Biological Hazards

As the name suggests the biological hazards are living organisms in the food, which cause infectious disease to the consumers. They can be the unicellular organisms like the virus, the bacteria, multi cellular parasites like tape worm, etc. Several studies of food borne illness have revealed that the major cause of food borne illness is either pathogenic bacteria (bacteria responsible for infective diseases) or toxigenic bacteria (bacteria, which produce toxins and cause food poisoning), infective viruses, parasites, etc. Thus, pathogenic E. Coli, Salmonella, Vibrio Cholera, Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium botulinum, Lysteria, Tenia solium, Hepatitis A & E viruses etc. cause infection through food materials and drinking water. All these organisms appear in food by direct or indirect contact with animals, human beings, soil, water etc. Besides being the major cause of food poisoning and food borne infections, bacteria has a profound influence on the shelf life of all food items. Almost all food processing methods target the control of the growth and multiplication of microbes in food to get better preservation of the nutrients, shelf life and freedom from food borne infections. The training on food safety will enable the particpants to process food free from these biological hazards.


Tape Worm - A Biological Hazard in Pig Meat

Major food safety hazards

The Biological


As the name suggests the biological hazards are living organisms in the food, which cause infectious disease to the consumers. They can be the unicellular organisms like the virus, the bacteria, multi cellular parasites like tape worm, etc....

The Chemical


Of late traditional farming practices have given way to modern methods of farming employing synthetic fertilizers, high yielding varieties, pesticides, fungicides, weedicide, etc. in agriculture, animal husbandry, poultry and fisheries. ...

The Physical


The Codex Alimentarius Commission has listed the possible physical hazards on the basis of their capacity to cause injury or even chocking of the customers (Table 14). All these items are commonly encountered in food materials handled carelessly. ...

Get Enrolled Today

The licencing criteria for restaurants, Hotels and Food production units are fast changing. The standards for food business operation are also continuously improved upon. To catch up with these changes the food business operators and their personnel how to undergo proper training in most of the training modules on food safety and food processing. Hurry up to get trained please...


Dr. Mukundan's Institute for
Food Safety & Technoloy

MIFT is an institute offering expert training in Food Safety for all type of food production from seed production, farming, harvesting & storage of crops, Food Processing, Storage, Transportation, etc. with a view to avoid health hazards and quality problems.

Contact Info

NRA 4, Narayanan Asan Road,
Kochi Kerala, India


+91 9447289718,
+91 484 4871251


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