Of late traditional farming practices have given way to modern methods of farming employing synthetic fertilizers, high yielding varieties, pesticides, fungicides, weedicide, etc. in agriculture, animal husbandry, poultry and fisheries. Apart from providing food security to many countries, modern farming methods by superior yields, disease control etc., also brought in many a health hazards like pesticide residues, heavy metal residues, antibiotic & hormone residues etc. in our food chain. Some of these toxic residues also brought a variety of health risks for the consumers. Besides these toxic residues, the food also may contain certain naturally occurring toxic components produced by the food /feed organisms, like cigua toxin, paralytic shell fish toxin etc. The training on food safety will enable the particpants to process food free from these chemical hazards.

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The licencing criteria for restaurants, Hotels and Food production units are fast changing. The standards for food business operation are also continuously improved upon. To catch up with these changes the food business operators and their personnel how to undergo proper training in most of the training modules on food safety and food processing. Hurry up to get trained please...